

Whistleblowing Report

Do you have a Whistleblowing report that you would like to forward to Tesmec?

Who can report? All: workers, suppliers, contractors, customers, members of local communities, etc.

What you can report: any fact that could damage the reputation and respectability of Tesmec and its partners, including the conduct of Tesmec employee, directors, statutory auditors, members of the control and supervisory bodies, management or external parties in relation to Tesmec's interest that violate the Tesmec Code of Ethics, internal laws or regulations or which in any case may damage or harm, even if only the image of, Tesmec.

How: through one of the following channels:
  • oral communication to the Supervisory Body;
  • voicemail (number: +39 035 4232911);
  • regular mail (address: Tesmec S.p.A., Organismo di Vigilanza, Via Zanica, 17/O, 24050, Grassobbio (BG), Italy or Piazza Sant’ Ambrogio, 16, 20123, Milano (MI), Italy);
  • ordinary e-mail address direct to Tesmec S.p.A., Tesmec Rail S.r.l. and Tesmec Automation S.r.l. Supervisory Bodies at odv@Tesmec.com;
  • communication tools on Tesmec's Intranet/Internet sites.

Anonymous or non-anonymous whistleblowing reports through:
  • for Tesmec S.p.A.: access to TSPAwhistleblower@gmail.com with the following password TesmecSPA_violations, and addressing the email to TSPAwarning@gmail.com. The whistleblower could cancel the email from "sent-items" folder and from "delated-items folder" in order to maintain privacy;
  • for Tesmec Rail S.r.l.: access to TRAILwhistleblower@gmail.com with the following password TesmecRAIL_violations, and addressing the email to TRAILwarning@gmail.com. The whistleblower could cancel the email from "sent-items" folder and from "delated-items folder" in order to maintain privacy;
  • for Tesmec Automation S.r.l.: access to TAUTOwhistleblower@gmail.com with the following password TesmecAUTO_violations, and addressing the email to TAUTOwarning@gmail.com. The whistleblower could cancel the email from "sent-items" folder and from "delated-items folder" in order to maintain privacy;
You can also do it anonymously: Tesmec will guarantee you maximum confidentiality and anonymity.

What does Tesmec do once the report has been received? A group of Tesmec professionals works on the reports in order to verify the information contained therein and take the most appropriate measures (adoption of prevention, mitigation, sanctioning measures, etc.).

Protection of the whistleblower from threats or acts of retaliation or discriminatory: it is forbidden to carry out threats or acts of retaliation or discriminatory, direct or indirect, against the whistleblower for reasons connected, directly or indirectly, to the report.

For further information on the management of the report, read the Standard Procedure on "Wistleblowing Reports received (including anonymously) by Tesmec S.p.A. and by its Subsidiaries” (TESMEC S.p.A. PRO 19_Whistleblowing Report), also available on the website www.tesmec.com.

Useful Links

Groups Policy - Whistleblowing Pdf 414 Kb 5/10/2023